Friday, March 26, 2010

Not so true Scripture

"God will never put on you more than you can bear." Something we've all heard. Probably something we've all said. Unfortunately, it simply isn't true. I know that flies in the face of most of our theology, but as my pastor pointed out several weeks ago, it is nowhere to be found in the word. What about 1 Corinthians 10:13? It says that you will never be TEMPTED beyond what you can bear. So, what does that mean for us? It means that we will eventually find ourselves at our wits end. What happens after that is up to us.

Tonight, I found myself in that very place. Simply exhausted. I've tried for so long to keep it all together. To be strong. To be an oak. But the wind has been blowing too long and my limbs are starting to crack. I climb into bed after everyone is asleep and whisper, "I'm tired." And He says, "Come to me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest."* "I can't. Everyone will know that I am weak." "When you are weak, then you are made strong. My strength is made PERFECT in your weakness."* "I don't know how, Lord. I've been carrying this for so long." "Be still, and know that I AM God."*

Jesus. So tender. Jesus. So loving. Jesus. So patient. Jesus. So capable. Of course He allows more to come on us than we can bear. If He didn't we would never run into His arms, crying, "Help me, Father." And we would never receive that peace that surpasses all understanding.* That peace that comes not from our spouse, not from our children, not from our paycheck, but that peace that comes right smack dab in the middle of our storm from God on High. It is the Father's greatest joy to comfort us. Breath out your burdens and breath in His rest. Breath out your sorrow and breath in His peace. Breath out your pain and breath in His healing. Breath out your doubt and breath in His faith. Trust Him. He is faithful.

*Matthew 11:28
*2 Corinthians 12:9
*Psalm 46:10
*Philippians 4:7


  1. I could not carry on with out this reality in my little weak you, I also like to think that I am strong, but it is so much better when I recognize that it is really His strength that carries me in this crazy world....I love you and I love that you take the time to write these
    God filled words....

  2. So true! I am in the place that you are writing about! All I can do is rest in His loving arms! And allow His peace to rest over me.

  3. And sometimes, even in the midst of pain; those times when I can't breathe out my pain...He is still there in the midst and I can breath in His presence, His love, His strength. We need to hear these thoughts again and again. Thank you Tasha for these remembrance stones. "Jesus said, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
    Well written. I pray you will keep writing as the Spirit gives you leave, do not be afraid, be courageous and faithful in all the you say, do and write. Thanks Tasha
    Blessings Ulrike Grace
